5 Using Oracle Application Express Utilities

This section describes how to use Oracle Application Express utilities to build SQL queries, load and unload data from an Oracle database, generate DDL, view object reports, manage User Interface Defaults, restore dropped database objects, compare schemas, monitor the database, and view database details.

5.1 Using Data Workshop

Data Workshop allows you to load and unload data to the database.

5.1.1 About the Data Load and Unload Wizards

The Data Load and Data Unload wizards in Oracle Application Express enable you to easily load and unload delimited text data to and from the database. The step-by-step wizards have the following features:

Limitations include the following:

Supported unload formats include:

5.1.2 About Importing, Exporting, Loading, and Unloading Data

You have several options when copying data between Oracle databases or between an Oracle database and external files. Data copying is accomplished by exporting and importing data, and by unloading and loading data. The following table defines these terms.

contains a term, and the right column contains its definition. The four rows contain definitions for the terms Export, Import, Unload, and Load" dir="ltr">
Term Definition
Exporting Copying database data to external files for import into another Oracle database only. The files are in a proprietary binary format.
Importing Copying data into the database from external files that were created by exporting from another Oracle database.
Unloading Copying database data to external text files for consumption by another Oracle database or another application (such as a spreadsheet application). The text files are in an industry-standard format such as tab-delimited or comma-delimited ( CSV ).
Loading Copying data into the database from external text files that are in either a standard delimited format or in any of the formats that are supported by the Oracle SQL*Loader utility.

You can export data from any Oracle Database edition (Express Edition, Standard Edition, and Enterprise Edition) into any other edition.

5.1.3 Import/Export/Load/Unload Options

The Oracle Database and Oracle Application Express provide several powerful options for importing, exporting, loading, and unloading data. Table 5-1 provides a summary of these optio ns.

Table 5-1 Summary of Oracle Application Express Import/Export Options

Data Load/Unload wizards in Oracle Application Express

Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import utilities

Export and Import utilities

Table 5-2 provides several load, unload, import, and export scenarios and suggests the appropriate option to use for each.

Table 5-2 Import/Export Scenarios and Recommended Options

You have fewer than 10 tables to load, the data is in spreadsheets or tab-delimited or comma-delimited text files, and there are no complex data types (such as objects or multivalued fields).

Data Load/Unload wizards in Oracle Application Express

You have to load data that is not delimited. The records are fixed length, and field definitions depend on column positions.

You have tab-delimited text data to load, and there are more than 10 tables.

You have text data to load, and you want to load only records that meet certain selection criteria (for example, only records for employees in department number 3001).

You want to import or export an entire schema from or to another Oracle database. There is no XMLType data in any of the data.

Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import

You want to import or export data from or to another Oracle database. The data contains XMLType data and contains no FLOAT or DOUBLE data types.

Import ( imp ) and Export ( exp )

Oracle Database Utilities for more information on Data Pump, the Import and Export utilities, and SQL*Loader

5.1.4 Accessing the Data Load/Unload Page

To access the Data Load/Unload page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the SQL Workshop icon.
  2. Click Utilities .
  3. Click Data Workshop . The Data workshop page appears.
  4. Click the appropriate icon to load data, unload data, or view the repository.

5.1.5 Loading Data

The Load Data Wizard is used to copy and paste or upload data. About Loading Data

You can load data into the Oracle Application Express database in the following ways: Loading a Text File or Spreadsheet Data

You can upload a Text file or copy and paste tab-delimited data directly into the Load Data Wizard.

To load data from a text file:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the SQL Workshop icon.
  2. Click Utilities .
  3. Click Data Workshop .
  4. Under Data Load, click Text Data . The Load Data Wizard appears.
  5. Under Load To, select either Existing table or New table .
  6. Under Load From, select either Upload file or Copy and paste .
  7. Click Next .
  8. If you selected Upload file, under Load Data, make the following changes:
  9. If you selected Copy and paste, under Data make these changes:
  10. Under Globalization, make the following changes:

See field-level help for more details about a specific attribute.